January 2015 H-B Prep Session Jan 10 9 am - 1 pm Warrenton Visitor Center Warrenton, VA H-B Prep Session Jan 17 9 am - 1 pm John Barton Payne Bldg Warrenton, VA HM Training Clinic Jan 18 10 am - 2 pm Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg, VA USPC Annual Meeting Jan 21 - 25 Hyatt Regency Crystal City Crystal City, VA | February 2015 H-B/H-A Prep Feb 6 6 pm - 8 pm Dover Saddlery Chantilly, VA Rally Organizers Meeting Feb 7 9 am - 12 pm Location TBD Warrenton, VA Regional Council Meeting Feb 7 1 pm - 4 pm Location TBD Warrenton, VA H-B Prep Session Feb 8 9 am - 1 pm John Barton Payne Bldg Warrenton, VA Quiz Rally Feb 21 8 am - 4 pm **NEW LOCATION*** The Falls Church 115 E Fairfax St. Falls Church, VA
| USPC Annual Meeting Reminders
| Registration Deadlines Early registration closes Jan 6th Late & on site registration Jan 6 - 25th Banquet Sat Nite Honors Vicki Fox Be sure to get your tickets to the Sat evening banquet. Our own Vicki Fox will be honored. Tickets are $50. Volunteer for Annual Meeting Check out the list of volunteer jobs! Check out USPC Annual Meeting Links AM Session Topics AM Registration AM Hotel Info | | | Greetings from the RSHappy New Year! I hope 2015 brings each of you much joy and happiness. 2014 was a wonderful year for our clubs and we had many successes. Our membership numbers continue to be strong through the end of 2014, and we have money in our "coffers" to continue to provide outstanding rallies, clinics, preps, and opportunities for our members. We will miss our leaders that resigned at the end of 2014 including Vicki Fox, RIC, Leslie Pitcher, VRS Activities, and Valerie Page, Treasurer. I really appreciate the support that each provided to our region over the past few years and appreciate their willingness to work with their replacements to ensure an effective transition in 2015. Our Pony Club year is starting off at "break-neck" speed with H-B Preps starting January 10th, a Horse Management Clinic for parents, friends and older Pony Club members on January 18th, and our USPC Annual Meeting in Crystal City running January 21-25. All that in just the first month of year! Thank you to our new RIC, Kris Gerald, for pulling together the H-B Preps, to our new VRS Activities, Erin White, and Brian Smith, our HMO, for pulling together a fantastic day of HM training, and to our VRS Administration, Dawn Bellinger for implementing our new VRPC website and admin database. Everyone has hit the ground "running" and I appreciate all the efforts. This year brings much change for VRPC and the way we do things. We will continue to improve communication and information sharing, as well as improve the tools we use to get things done! Last year we started with "on-line" registrations and learned a lot about our processes, and what works and what doesn't. This year, as we implement the new Apricot software, we will iron out new bugs as we go. Please be patient with us - we are all learning together and trying to make it simple and effective. Thank you for cooperating with Dawn on getting your profiles loaded and responding to her requests for action. By being response to her requests, she can spend more time improving the tools and less time hounding people to take necessary actions. If you haven't already registered for the Annual Meeting, please do so NOW! Registration is open through January 6, noon. After that, late registration and on-site registration is available but the cost goes up by $15. Don't forget, the VRPC will reimburse $20 to each youth member that attends. To be eligible, members must be members in good standing by 12/31/2014. Refunds will be issued after the Annual Meeting. The meeting is for everyone - DC/CA and jDCs/jCAs will benefit from the meetings on Thursday and Friday; leaders, parents and members will benefit from the workshops on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday; everyone will enjoy the trade fair, silent auction, and networking! Please contribute to the Annual Meeting Silent Auction. DCs/CAs, please reach out to Margaret Good (westerlyva@aol.com) and Vicki Fox (vfoxfamily@aol.com) as soon as possible to let them know what you are contributing to the Annual Meeting Silent Auction. Our region, your club, directly benefits from the sales of our auction items. We expect each club/riding center to contribute. In order to support the Annual Meeting efforts we will not have a silent auction at the Quiz Rally! Looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting! | | Horse Management Training Clinic at Morven Park
What: Horse Management Training offered for all parents, friends, and Pony Club Members over the age of 18. Parents and leaders are encouraged to attend. Guests are welcome too! Why: To educate and encourage all potential and current Horse Management volunteers. We strongly encourage each club to send at least one person to this training seminar, with the goal of having trained volunteers ready for the rally season. Bonus! Lunch and talk by inspirational guest speaker Jerry Schurink of Bridgewater College Equestrian Team. When: Sunday, January 18, 2015 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Where: Morven Park Equestrian Center 41793 Tutt Lane, Leesburg, VA 20176 Sponsor: Casanova-Warrenton Pony Club & VRPC Price: $3 per attendee includes lunch! Closing Date: January 12, 2015 Topics to be covered include: - What is Horse Management?
- The roles and responsibilities of Assistant Horse Management Judges (AHMJs) at rallies.
- How to oversee and volunteer in different aspects of HM at rallies.
- Hands-on training in Required Equipment judging, First Set-up and Safety,
Turnout Inspections, Horse Inspections (formerly known as Jog Outs). Online registration & payment: Horse Management Training Questions & contact number at the seminar: Erin White, 757-334-1442 or etmbwhite@earthlink.net |
| National Candidates' Tips Topic: Testing Part 1 Submitted by Vicki Fox Pony Club members who wish to obtain a certification beyond C2 attend national ratings, organized by the USPC. Candidates select a test date, register and submit payment through USPC. Test applications and payment are due 12 weeks prior to the test date. Region fees are additional and paid directly to the host region. Check out USPC National Tests for details, FAQ's, schedule, etc. Tip #1: Always be responsive to any e-mails from the national examiners or the test organizer. They are your main points of communication for all things regarding your testing. Send any requested information, paperwork and fees promptly. Tip #2: If you are planning to be a candidate for your first national riding test this year, start preparing now.
- Have a clear understanding of the requirements for your level test.
- Review the Standards and the Test Sheet.
- If you’ve never taken a national test before, attend a testing and observe how the test is organized and run. This will give you a “leg up” when you go to your testing.
Tip #3: Bandaging & Longeing - I cannot say enough about the need to continually practice bandaging and longeing for the national tests. Many of the candidates have been extremely weak in these two areas with several candidates not meeting standards during the last couple of years.
Besides poor technique on the bandaging, many times the material used is too thin. Take some time this winter to make the bandage yourself. This way you can make it as thick as you want and not have to rely on a store bought one being too thin. Never, ever use No Bows at a testing for bandaging!!! Yes, you can double up the padding but it’s even harder to manage two bandages and have a good wrapping technique that will meet standards. Tip #4: PRACTICE!! PRACTICE!! PRACTICE!! Watch for more information in the February issue!
| | Annual Meeting Volunteers Needed Please sign up to support the USPC Annual Meeting by signing up to work a shift! We have over 130 spots to fill! Here are a few descriptions of the type of work we need covered. USPC AM Convention Office: The hub of the operation! We need support in the office to take care of copies, incidentals, interact with hotel to ensure we are getting what we need. This office is covered with USPC staff as well as our volunteers. We have slots for one volunteer per shift. Adults only please. Registration Desk: Adults only please. Greeters: Welcome our members and direct them on where to go to get registered or to answer questions on where things are happening and when! This is a perfect job for our mature/young adult Pony Club members. Pony Paddock: Pony Paddock is for our youngest members to participate while their parents are in meetings! Come support the Pony Paddock activities focused on D-Level Activities. Members and adults over18 appreciated. Art Fair, Science Fair and Trade Fair Set Up: We need some hard workers to lift, lug and move stuff around to set up our fairs! This job is great for our parents and young adults! Art Fair, Science Fair and Trade Fair Monitors: We need parents/young adults to monitor these fairs and answer questions. Trade Fair monitors will ensure our vendors are taken care of and have what they need. Spirit Wear Sales/Distribution: Distribute the on-line orders of spirit wear and sell tee-shirts and pins on site. Auction Set Up, Monitors and Close Out: Setting up and closing out the auctions. The closing out of the auctions requires adult volunteers. If you have any questions, please contact Carolyn Lorenzen, at CSLorenzen@aol.com. Thank you in advance for your generous participation. To sign up, go to: Volunteer at Annual Meeting Volunteers do not need to register for the Annual Meeting unless they wish to participate in workshops. Volunteers need to anticipate parking fees near the hotel, and may wish to take the metro (blue line). | | Help Wanted: Mentor Needed for Regional Youth Board The Region is in need of an adult leader to mentor/chaperone our Regional Youth Board (RYB). Our Youth Board was established a number of years ago, and has experienced a number of stops and starts with various changes in leadership. We really need a dedicated adult leader to facilitate the RYB process. Our vision is to use the RYB as a way to get our young adult/mature adolescent members involved in making decisions, organizing events, and making the most of their years in Pony Club. We need someone that enjoys working with young teens and mature adolescents; has enough computer skills to use email, Microsoft tools, and some experience working/leading group efforts. Ideally the RYB will have a youth leader that can take on responsibilities to make things happen, but will need guidance on how to get things done in a positive, productive manner. Ideally we will find a parent of a current RYB member. We anticipate the RYB needs to meet 4-6 times a year to identify, plan, and execute various activities for the Region of interest to them. The RYB currently has money to support a number of events in 2015. Interested? Please contact Carolyn Lorenzen at cslorenzen@aol.com | HM Corner Submitted by Brian Smith The VRPC HM Seminar is scheduled for March 8! (Stay tuned for location information.) What is an HM Seminar?" An HM Seminar is a regional unmounted ground school. Presenters are set up at stations. The attendees (members AND parents) are divided into groups, and each group visits a station. After about 20 minutes, each group rotates to another station.
Why attend or present at the HM Seminar?
- Offers fun educational sessions for the members and parents to see/learn from.
- Offers an opportunity for members/parents to present a topic; this is a great low-key way for upper level members to get in some teaching practice.
- Provides Horse Management Judge (HMJ) training/refresher for rallies.
- Provides snacks!
Details for Presenters "Can only members present a topic?" No. Members are encouraged to present a topic but moms, dads, DC's, vets, farriers, anyone can present a topic. “What might be a good topic?” Anything about horses that does not involve sitting on their back. There are a million topics to choose from, and, the topic does not have to be related to rallies.
Examples of topics for a HM Seminar are: - Stall picking tips
- tack cleaning tips
- parts of the horse
- colors, conformation
- poisonous plants
- different types of tack/why it is used
- jogging
- USPC Annual Meeting project, would be excellent!
"Can I team up with a friend to present my topic?" Absolutely. Buddy up with another member and you will have fun preparing the topic together! And, if you are afraid that your topic will not fill up the entire time slot, we can pair you up with another topic that is also shorter. Sign up now to reserve your spot! RSVP with your topic to briantsmith99@gmail.com | | |