September 2015 Sept 4 - 6 Upper Level National Certifications Glenwood Park, Middleburg, VA Sept 12 - 13 Tetrathlon Rally Glenwood Park, Middleburg, VA & WARF, Warrenton, VA Sept 19 - 20 B Traditional Certification @ Old Dominion Region Greenville, VA C-3 Traditional Certification @ Old Dominion Region Greenville, VA Sept 19 Open Games Practice & Family Trail Ride Great Meadow Polo Arena The Plains, VA
Sept 26 D-1/D-2 Rally Hunt Club Farms, Berryville, VA | | October 2015 Oct 3 - 4 VRPC Volunteer Day Morven HT Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg, VA Oct 11 BRHPC Paper Chase The Tanyard, White Post, VA Oct 17 Open Games Practice Franklin Park, Purcellville, VA Oct 24 Open Games Practice Franklin Park, Purcellville, VA Oct 31 Games Rally & Halloween Parade Great Meadow, The Plains, VA | November 2015 Nov 7 VRPC Regional Council Meeting Warrenton Visitor Center Warrenton, VA
| | | Greetings from the RS As I write my bit for the newsletter, I am sitting at Glenwood Park near the end of a very big national testing weekend. We are so lucky to have such a beautiful facility, a very dedicated Regional Instruction Coordinator (RIC) in Kris Gerald, and fantastic volunteers! Thank you to Holly Leasor, Leslie Wallington, Avril Nicewarner, Yvonne Monahan and Jess Clawson for their time this weekend as volunteers for IOs for our National Testing.
National Testing standards are high which creates an abundance of tension and anxiety for the candidates and parents. The National Tests are a big step up from Club Level tests, requiring many, many hours of training and practice. It reminds me of the song by one of my favorite artists, Maclemore and Ryan Lewis, Ten Thousand Hours, based on the book, Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. If you don't the know the song or the book, the idea is that it takes 10,000 hours of practice, work, study to become proficient at something. I'm not suggesting that you need that kind of dedication to your Pony Club certifications, but it does take time, lots of time, to become proficient at these rigorous standards. For those of you that have had success this summer at a national level, congratulations.
Your hard work has paid off. For those of you that DNMS or have to retest a section or two, don't stress. Take a deep breath and examine what you need to do to get there next time. Don't take the easy way out and blame the NEs (although that might feel good in the short term). Instead, take inventory of what you've done and what you need to do to meet standard. This experience will truly make you stronger in character; however, you may not realize just how strong until you are much older and wiser!
As we wind down the year, we look forward to our TET Rally next weekend Sept. 12 & 13, the D-1/D-2 Rally on Sept. 26, and finally Games Rally on Oct. 31. It is also the time of year when each club will plan/hold their required annual meeting. Finally, VRPC will hold the annual Regional Council Meeting on Nov. 7. All club members are welcome to attend.
Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers, with a special shout out to Cindy Shelberg for always keeping us on track with our newsletter communications! | | Margaret Good Honored at Morven Park Since 1958, Loudoun Hunt Pony Club has used the Morven Park Equestrian Facilities for lessons, rallies, camps, and clinics. Now, as Morven Park begins the renovation of its aging facilities, LHPC is supporting its home by sponsoring the naming of the FEI Jog Strip that will be built by the new arena complex.  On Monday, August 24, over 60 LHPC members, alumni and friends surprised Margaret Good with a ceremony in where she learned that the jog strip will be named in her honor. Margaret was presented with a plaque recognizing her 42 years of dedication to Pony Club, 33 years of which she has served as DC. Morven Park will be posting a permanent plaque at the jog strip honoring Margaret’s lifetime of service. Alumni from every decade since the 1960’s were present to thank Margaret with the surprise unveiling of the plaque. Thank you Margaret for your dedication and service!

| | Fall Rally Season - Tet, Games, & D Rally by Erin White Fall Rally Season is upon us!! On September 12-13, Tetrathlon Rally will kick off our fall rallies. If you missed registering, please contact Erin White at or 757-334-1442 immediately to see if we can squeeze you in. Hosted by Misty Brae Farm PC Riding Center, Tet Rally will be held at Glenwood Park in Middleburg, and the WARF in Warrenton. All D-1 and D-2 members are encouraged to sign up for a very fun and educational D-1/D-2 Rally on September 26. Hosted by Serene Acres Riding Center, the rally will be held at Hunt Club Farm in Berryville. Online registration is live now and closes on September 12th. C and Up Advisors are needed for this rally! Lastly, don’t miss our last hurrah of the season: Games Rally!! Hosted by Casanova-Warrenton PC, you won’t want to miss the fun day at Great Meadow, which includes a costume parade! Keep an eye on your inbox for the invitation and opening of online registration. Rally On, VRPC!! | | 12th Annual Old Fashion Paper Chase @ Blue Ridge Hunt 12th Annual Old Fashion Paper Chase October 11, 2015 Please join BRHPC for our annual fundraiser! Location: The Tanyard - 199 Sugar Hill Road; White Post, VA 22663 Dates: October 11, 2015 (rain date October 18th) Times: Ride times begin at 10:00 am Cost: $35 per rider in advance; $40 per rider later (includes delicious lunch) Registration: Ages: ALL AGES! The Paper Chase – a cross-country adventure to be ridden over a marked course by riders in teams in 2-3 in beautiful Blue Ridge Hunt country. Check points along the route will ensure participants have ridden entire course. Adults and children may ride together. Teams with ALL members under the age of 14 not recommended. Optimum time winners to be determined by dropping fastest and lowest team times then averaging all times in each division. Course may not be walked prior to event. THIS IS NOT A RACE! It's a leisurely course expected to be ridden at a pace comfortable for the riders on the team.
Three Divisions: Non-jumping (approx 3 miles), Jumping I (coops - approx 4-5 miles) and Jumping II (logs and optional coops - approx 3 miles)
1st through 3rd place awards for optimum time in all divisions – must be present to claim award. Negative coggins, ASTM/SEI approved helmets, & proper footwear required. Safety vests recommended. Participants may not ride without signing a waiver. Contact: Anne Williams - - 540-303-3931
ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT BLUE RIDGE HUNT PONY CLUB Thank you for supporting BRHPC! | | 2016 National USPC Youth Congress What is the National USPC Youth Congress (NYC)? The NYC is USPC's way of recognizing outstanding H-B through A Pony Club members and providing them with an extraordinary opportunity for growth and development through a national conference of approximately 40 youth members and up to 5 outstanding Pony Club alumni. The NYC Program takes place each year the two days prior to the USPC Annual Meeting. The Program consists of group discussions, presentations and interaction with Pony Club Alumni, networking, etc. for youth members and alumni. The NYC culminates in the Honors Banquet at which the outstanding alumni are inducted into the USPC Academy of Achievement. The NYC provides numerous benefits for the selected Pony Club members. It rewards them for leadership in their clubs/regions by giving them opportunities to network with others who share their love of and experience with horses. It exposes them to wider experiences outside of Pony Club by introducing them to outstanding alumni from all walks of life. It gives them opportunities to develop leadership skills through participation in a national forum. All lodging (3 nights) and meals (2 days) will be provided for youth delegates for the two days of the Youth Congress. Transportation will not be provided. Youth delegates to the NYC must be nominated by their clubs or centers and selected by their Regions based on the following criteria: YOUTH DELEGATES - Be between 18-21 years old as of January 1, 2016;
- Have attained a National Certification (H-B/C /C-3, B, H/H-HM/H-A, A);
- Demonstrate leadership and volunteerism;
- Embody the qualities mentioned in the USPC Mission Statement;
- Obey the USPC National Youth Congress Code of Conduct.
Click here to the NYC website page where you will find the link to the NYC Information for DC/CA/RS document for more detail. Applications deadline is November 15, 2015. Any questions, please contact Connie Jehlik, Instruction Services Director | | | Membership Reminders Just a reminder to our membership! Our fabulous new-for-2015 regional website recognizes members through their email address. Last spring, all members were asked to create a login, using a separate email for each member. It is imperative that each member use their chosen email when registering for rallies and using the website, as all membership information is tied to that email address. You may be unable to register for an event, be charged multiple times, or have other hiccups with your account if you set up a new one. Not to mention, if that’s not an email you are checking, you are missing out on all the exciting event announcements! If you need your email changed, can’t remember the address tied to your account, or have any other trouble with the website, please reach out to the region for help. You can email Erin White at or Aldona Petrait at for assistance. Thank you for your attention to this! | | 2016 USPC Membership Application Now Available The 2016 USPC Membership Application is now available on the Pony Club website — This form must be used for ALL new participating members – club, center, Horsemasters and national members, who join for 2016 or as a fall 2015 prorated member — and those who do not renew on-line. Please note that the prorated membership option begins on September 1. Members wishing to join prior to that date will need to join as a 2015 member and will need to renew separately to continue in 2016. A few new items to know – - Membership dues for renewals will be $130. There will no longer be a late fee, but there is an early registration discount of $10 for members who are renewed on or before November 15.
- All participating members (club/center/Horsemasters/national) will use the same application form.
- Applications for all club members, including Horsemasters must be submitted by the DC.
We hope these changes simplify the membership application process and look forward to “renewal season.” Sincerely, USPC Member Services Department Kay Kelley – Dawn Strickler – Karol Wilson – | | | HM Corner - Did You Know About the New Spur Rule? by Brian Smith
Did anyone know about a change in the spur rule? I think I missed the memo on that. At a recent rally, I asked a competitor to remove his spurs, and he informed me that there is no longer a rule about that. I searched the rulebook. I emailed Brenda Yike, co-chair of the HM committee, and she said "we have bigger fish to fry." This made me very sad that we would abandon a safety rule that was really just not that terribly hard to follow. How much work is it to apply/remove spurs? You have to remove them to clean your boots for turnback anyway.
So I spread the word to the assistants, and one of them said, "Ok. So I guess we just have to try to stifle our laugh when they 'face plant'."
Here is a true story that, unfortunately, illustrates my point. Joe White was chiefing at champs a few years ago. He saw a competitor a little ways off wearing spurs leading her horse across the tarmac. He was in the process of shouting, "Please remove your spurs." when the one branch hooked the other, and she did a "face plant" on the tarmac. She required reconstructive surgery to repair her broken face bones. Joe became rabid on the topic after eye witnessing that. I can understand. Please be sensible and careful about your spurs. Please only walk a short distance and carefully them. Be especially careful when you go to stand up after sitting, the branches are easily hooked together, making a face plant a real possibility. Be careful out there. | | | |