October 2015 Oct 3 - 4 VRPC Volunteer Day Morven HT Morven Park Equestrian Center, Leesburg, VA Oct 11 BRHPC Paper Chase The Tanyard, White Post, VA Oct 17 Open Games Practice Franklin Park, Purcellville, VA Oct 24 Open Games Practice Franklin Park, Purcellville, VA Oct 24 MOCPC Combined Test Glenwood Park, Middleburg, VA Oct 31 Games Rally & Halloween Parade Great Meadow, The Plains, VA November 2015 Nov 7 VRPC Regional Council Meeting Warrenton Visitor Center Warrenton, VA
| | Important Reminder We are looking for volunteers to fill several Regional Board positions. Regional Supervisor VRS Activities Treasurer Secretary Regional Instruction Coordinator HM Organizer Regional Championships Coordinator Interested? Please contact our nomination committee by Nov 1: Lisa Woods lisawoods65@gmail.com Carrie Camp carriecamp@fairfieldfarm.com Traci Sandberg traci@nextdoorvet.com | | | Greetings from the RS September was a busy month with our national testing at Glenwood, and TWO more rallies! Thank you, once again, to Kris Gerald our RIC, for planning, organizing and hosting an outstanding national testing at Glenwood. See last month's newsletter for more details. Thank you to Staci Kaponis and her gang at Misty Brae Farms for hosting our Tet Rally. I really enjoyed seeing so many familiar faces, and so many volunteers that didn't even have kids participating! That is true pony club spirit! Thank you to all of our officials: Karla Wright,Tet TD; Judy DeMichele, Show Jump Judge; Carol Taylor Show Jump Course Designer, Dan Clymore, Steward for Shooting; Glen Dennis, Steward for Running; Heidi Weller, Steward for Swimming; and Andi Dennis, Scoring. Congratulations to all the participants! We also held our D1/D2 Rally in September. Thank you to Pamela Smith and families at Serene Acres for putting on this rally. A big thanks to all of the officials: Gina Nelson, TD; LeighAnn Groux, Dressage Judge; Jess Clawson, Show Jump Judge; Brian Smith, HM; Lisa Woods, Scoring; Jen Watson, Rally Secretary; and Susan Fisher, Volunteer Organizer and Hospitality. Thanks to the many volunteers that made the day work, it is truly a group effort that makes these rallies so successful. Next on the Agenda, club Sponsors meetings, Games Rally, and our Regional Council Meeting! Over the next few weeks, your clubs will host their required Annual Sponsors meeting and elect officers for 2016. If you are a club sponsor, please attend this important meeting for your club. DCs, please be sure to bring a copy of your completed USPC Annual meeting paperwork to our November 7 meeting. If you have any questions about the Sponsors meeting, please let me know. Games Rally is scheduled for Saturday, October 31st. Closing date is Oct. 17! This is the QUALIFYING rally for 2016 Championships! And finally, our Regional Council Meeting will be Saturday, November 7th, 8:45 am, Warrenton Visitors Center. All are welcome to attend, DCs, CAs and Joint DCs/CAs are required to attend, along with all Regional Officers. See the calendar entry on the website for more details and the agenda. Thank you again to all of you for your support and efforts! | | 12th Annual Old Fashion Paper Chase @ Blue Ridge Hunt Location: The Tanyard - 199 Sugar Hill Road; White Post, VA 22663 Dates: October 11, 2015 (rain date October 18th) Times: Ride times begin at 10:00 am Cost: $35 per rider in advance; $40 per rider later (includes delicious lunch) Registration: http://www.blueridgehuntpc.org/activities Ages: ALL AGES! The Paper Chase – a cross-country adventure to be ridden over a marked course by riders in teams in 2-3 in beautiful Blue Ridge Hunt country. Check points along the route will ensure participants have ridden entire course. Adults and children may ride together. Teams with ALL members under the age of 14 not recommended. Optimum time winners to be determined by dropping fastest and lowest team times then averaging all times in each division. Course may not be walked prior to event. THIS IS NOT A RACE! It's a leisurely course expected to be ridden at a pace comfortable for the riders on the team.
Three Divisions: Non-jumping (approx 3 miles), Jumping I (coops - approx 4-5 miles) and Jumping II (logs and optional coops - approx 3 miles)
1st through 3rd place awards for optimum time in all divisions – must be present to claim award. Negative coggins, ASTM/SEI approved helmets, & proper footwear required. Safety vests recommended. Participants may not ride without signing a waiver. Contact: Anne Williams - annewilliams81@gmail.com - 540-303-3931
ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT BLUE RIDGE HUNT PONY CLUB | | 2016 VRPC Renewals Instructions by Aldona Petraitis It's that time of year again! VRPC renewals are due ($20) by November 15 to avoid our $10 late fee. Clubs may have collected each member's fee and plan to pay in one lump sum for their members or clubs can decide to ask their members to renew themselves. Centers can not collect money for their members. Either method works for VRPC as long as we know who each payment if for.
If a club decides to renew for their members en masse, the Treasurer can mail a club check made payable to VRPC to Aldona Petraitis, 13905 Bronco Lane, Lovettsville, VA 20180. In addition to the club check, the Treasurer must include a list of members for which that payment applies.
If individuals are renewing, there are two ways to renew. In both cases, each member will have to login using his/her individual email address and password. [DCs/CAs are encouraged to check their roster on the VRPC website to confirm registered email addresses for their members prior to instructing them to renew online.]
Individual renewals can be processed through a link sent to the individual member in an email from the VRPC system on October 15th OR through a button found on the member's Profile page. When a member is logged in, there's a "View Profile" link under his/her name in the upper right corner. Click "View Profile" and the "Renew until 11/15/2016" button will appear midway down the page on the right. Once the member has paid the renewal, the button will disappear until next year's renewal period. Members who joined after September 1, 2015 and paid the prorated ($25) membership fee are already members through 2016.
If DCs/CAs or Treasurers have questions about this process, please email Aldona Petraitis at petrait@verizon.net. Members should ask their DC/CA or Treasurer if help is needed.
| 2016 National USPC Youth Congress Nominations Due November 1 VRPC is looking for a delegate to attend the USPC Youth Congress. Please consider participating if you are an upper level member (C-3 or above). The National Youth Congress meets for two days prior to the USPC Annual Meeting. VRPC and USPC cover the cost of attending (travel, meals and hotel) for our delegate. DC's please submit nominations to Carolyn Lorenzen by November 1st. We will vote to recommend one candidate at our November 7th Council Meeting. Our region's nomination is due to USPC by November 15th. Read description and criteria below for more information. What is the National USPC Youth Congress (NYC)? The NYC is USPC's way of recognizing outstanding H-B through A Pony Club members and providing them with an extraordinary opportunity for growth and development through a national conference of approximately 40 youth members and up to 5 outstanding Pony Club alumni. The NYC Program takes place each year the two days prior to the USPC Annual Meeting. The Program consists of group discussions, presentations and interaction with Pony Club Alumni, networking, etc. for youth members and alumni. The NYC culminates in the Honors Banquet at which the outstanding alumni are inducted into the USPC Academy of Achievement. The NYC provides numerous benefits for the selected Pony Club members. It rewards them for leadership in their clubs/regions by giving them opportunities to network with others who share their love of and experience with horses. It exposes them to wider experiences outside of Pony Club by introducing them to outstanding alumni from all walks of life. It gives them opportunities to develop leadership skills through participation in a national forum. All lodging (3 nights) and meals (2 days) will be provided for youth delegates for the two days of the Youth Congress. Transportation will not be provided. Youth delegates to the NYC must be nominated by their clubs or centers and selected by their Regions based on the following criteria: YOUTH DELEGATES - Be between 18-21 years old as of January 1, 2016;
- Have attained a National Certification (H-B/C /C-3, B, H/H-HM/H-A, A);
- Demonstrate leadership and volunteerism;
- Embody the qualities mentioned in the USPC Mission Statement;
- Obey the USPC National Youth Congress Code of Conduct.
Click here to the NYC website page where you will find the link to the NYC Information for DC/CA/RS document for more detail. Applications deadline is November 15, 2015. Any questions, please contact Connie Jehlik, Instruction Services Director instruction@ponyclub.org. | | | CWPC Hosts 2016 Games Rally & Halloween Costume Parade Saturday, October 31, 2015 at Great Meadow The one-day trailer rally featuring teams competing in mounted games (relay races) is both fun and educational and serves as the qualifying rally for USPC Championships to be held in Lexington, VA, in July. Fourty four competitors participated at last year's Games Rally & Costume Parade. Check out how much, fun we had last year in pictures at https://youtu.be/PmNqcBLx9KA ! Entries are open, register NOW! Entries close on October 17! See invitation and register on the VRPC Calendar page. Click on Games Rally item listed on October 31st. Scramblers, non-members, un-rateds, Juniors, Seniors, Advanced and NQ Walk-Trot welcome! Mounted costume parade, scary walking tacos, awesome t-shirt, prizes, Halloween games!  Suited for all ages and abilities, the youngest riders have fun and learn to ride effectively at the same time. C Advisors assist the non-qualifying Walk–Trot division both in the HM area and in the arena, by leading and assisting. Riding mounted games builds confidence, balance, and riding skills by focusing on accomplishing the game. Experienced games riders and their ponies learn to go obediently in racing lanes away from the group, ride up to barrels, wait for the riders commands, ride with one hand and without stirrups, reach for ground pick ups, to mount independently and efficiently, to vault onto their ponies, work well in hand, and not be afraid of loud noises like popping balloons and music. Games offers the youngest pony club members the opportunity to ride at USPC Championships starting at age 10, D-2 minimum FL certification for Junior division. Seniors are thru age 18 and D-3 FL minimum certification. Advanced pairs are 18-25 year old pony club members certified C-1 FL and up. Games are great fun to watch! Casanova-Warrenton Pony Club invites riders to Open Games Practices, Saturday Oct.17 and 24 at Franklin Park, Purcellville, to learn games. You don’t need to be on a team, just bring your pony or horse and come learn how to play the games. You rarely out grow your beloved pony for games. Riders under 117 lbs. can ride small ponies and under 150 lbs. can ride medium ponies. Keep him fit and try a fun team riding sport. Contact cwpcdc@gmail.com to learn about games opportunities. | | EVENTING FOR THE CURE October 17th IT'S THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN TO SHOW OUR SUPPORT FOR ALL THE LADIES IN PINK. Join us at Hunt Club Farms for our second annual Eventing For The Cure on October 17th. All proceeds will go to Winchester Oncology. Last year Hunt Club Farms Raised $5,000. We want to double that amount this year. This is a Starter Horse Trial. Registration closes Oct 15th. Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015 Location: Hunt Club Farms, 294 Long Marsh Road, Berryville, VA Entry Fee: $95.00 Prizes: Dover $50.00 Gift Certificate will be given to Best in Pink horse and rider. Ribbons for 1 thru 8th place. Jack Knuckel Gourmet food truck will be here for breakfast and lunch. Enter online at http://www.evententries.com/ Volunteers Needed: volunteers will receive lunch and a free schooling pass! A great way for the riders to earn free schooling passes. Bring your family and make a day of it. For more information contact Tracy Zack tracy.zack@yahoo.com or go to the Hunt Club Farms webite. |
| 2016 USPC Membership Application Now Available The 2016 USPC Membership Application is now available on the Pony Club website — www.ponyclub.org. This form must be used for ALL new participating members – club, center, Horsemasters and national members, who join for 2016 or as a fall 2015 prorated member — and those who do not renew on-line. Please note that the prorated membership option begins on September 1. Members wishing to join prior to that date will need to join as a 2015 member and will need to renew separately to continue in 2016. A few new items to know – - Membership dues for renewals will be $130. There will no longer be a late fee, but there is an early registration discount of $10 for members who are renewed on or before November 15.
- All participating members (club/center/Horsemasters/national) will use the same application form.
- Applications for all club members, including Horsemasters must be submitted by the DC.
We hope these changes simplify the membership application process and look forward to “renewal season.” Sincerely, USPC Member Services Department Kay Kelley – memberservices@ponyclub.org Dawn Strickler – centers@ponyclub.org Karol Wilson – regionaladmin@ponyclub.org | |
| HM Corner - HM Tips for Better Scores by Brian Smith
Alane Alchorn wrote the attached HM article for the upcoming VA Games Rally that she will be chiefing. The original intent was to send it out the the Games competitors, but she came up with the thought of sending it out to everyone in the region. There are references to Games, but the information is applicable across all disciplines. So here you go! You can click on this link to find the full article HM Tips for Better HM Scores at Rally.pdf. Tip: this can provide a good resource for ground school this winter! |
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